En dikt - typ.

DATUM: 2008-11-06 TID: 19:15:11

Tried everything I could, but you did not accept.
I tried to explain to you, but you did not accept.
Eventually Frick, I only order from my body - that made you silent.
A tear runs down the cheek.
In all the years that we've been together,
you just thought about yourself, not me.
I loved you, but it seems that you never did.
You damaged me, you treated me badly, you made me a person - I do not want to be.
I hate you giant lot,

but deep in me, I love you, of anybody reason.

Mikaela (finns i länkar) gjorde några dikter, och jag fick för mig också att göra en dikt, och kom på det där direkt. Mikkis verkar gilla den jättemkt. Jag tycker översättningen låter lite crazy, men står det så, så gör det bara det :)

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